
Core Values

1. Faith
We know that Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior. We trust in Him to guide our decisions. We seek to honor and represent His love with our choices and attitudes.

2. Collaboration
We value collaborating with others and welcome innovative ideas and methods that help to strengthen and develop our community. It takes a community of resources to support a community of need. We desire to partner with other organizations, businesses, and individuals in a combined effort to expand our influence and resources to impact the wellbeing of the disadvantaged in our community.

3. Communication
We value communication that is timely, efficient, and thorough.

4. Relationships
We value strong relationships. We accept people where they are in their difficult situations and will not use guilt or judgment to motivate. We choose to value and partner with them in our journey of mutual growth and friendship. Relationships are the key to efficiently meeting the needs of the community with available resources. Quality and growing relationships are a measure of our success whether we relate with those in need or those with resources.

5. Integrity
We value honesty, authenticity, and transparency. These are the keys to building trust within the community and those with whom we relate. The choices we make ripple into the lives of others, so we value choices that make a positive impact in the lives of those with whom we interact.

6. People Over Projects
We value each person and measure our success in the personal growth of individuals and families. We value understanding the situations people and families face and desire to demonstrate mercy, empathy, as well as advocate for those who struggle.

7. Pioneering Life
We value the Pioneer spirit, which means equipping and walking with people on their journey to find their purpose and passion in our community. We will always keep in mind the why that drives us to do what we do, which will then shape how we do it.
